Friday, January 13, 2012

13 days...

The final decision has been made about the length of our trip, and it will be a very lucky 13 days! (And I'm posting this on Friday the 13th, coincidence?) So now that we know how long we'll be gone, and have an idea of the dates (early October) we can dig in and start planning the route and stops! So excited.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

New Year, New Plans!

After a fun-filled holiday season it's time to get down to business and start planning! We've decided that in addition to spending time in Checotah, we want to head down to Austin, TX for a bit as well. I visited once years ago and loved it, and TV has never been, so it'll be a fun addition to the trip. We'll be setting the final route and trip dates shortly, stay tuned!


Thursday, October 13, 2011

First post!!

Welcome! Countdown to our big trip: approximately one year. In the meantime, we'll update as we research our route, plan lots of fun pit stops, and set a date. Starting point: Germantown, Maryland. Ultimate westward goal: Checotah, Oklahoma. Stay tuned!